What’s Your Favorite

Photo courtesy of Google images

Photo courtesy of Google images

Ashton Carlin

I have a very active friendhe likes all kinds of stuff,I asked “what’s your favorite thing” he said “one favorite’s not enough”.He pushes himself through everythingas he adores all of his activities,If I were him I would need some restas I would collapse from all the stress.
Outside of school he breaks a sweatand what he does is extremely tough,Again I ask “what’s your favorite” “one favorite’s not enough.”
Summer time and school is overhe’s joined a lot of clubs,He wasn’t forced or pressured for anythe groups he joined were loved.
One day in particular I knew that he was free,So I took my bike and went outsideto spot him from the streets.I saw him on the sidewalk and I let out a calm sigh,When I told him I wanted to talkI really wanted to know why.
“How can you do all this stuffIt all sounds like a chore,If I were to do what you doI would pass out on the floor.”
The sun was beating downthe rays were hot and bright,His sweaty hands on the bike handleas he replied “you are right”
“This is all exhausting for meI don’t know what to do,I don’t know who I want to be
I don’t know which to choose.”
My hand on his shoulder I asked him one more time,He left without an answer but kept my question in his mind.I learned a lot from him as summer turned to spring,You can push yourself but leave timeand enjoy your favorite things.