Photo courtesy of Google images
March 4, 2023
My life is split in two
Not one half better than the other
But it’s easier to understand now,
I couldn’t when I was younger.
At my dad’s I stare into the ceiling
Imagination running wild
Wondering what it would be like
To be a ordinary child
I see other kids running around
With two parents to play catch
Two parents in love
Two parents that match
I know that I’m not the only one
Who is in this particular situation
There are many other kids
Who can understand the isolation
There are many joyful parts though
One good that outweighs the other
Is the new family I got
Especially my baby brother
With innocent eyes like caramel
And a heart of gold
His funny personality
Is a sight to behold
Although there are some difficulties
I can confidently say
That my family is perfect
In our own way