Growth in Pursuing Happiness – GROWTH Competition Submission

Photo courtesy of Google images
March 18, 2023
Throughout this class, I have learned more about how to be a better friend and peer. I learned that I always need to take other people’s feelings into account. I have also learned effective ways to communicate with others, so that I can get my points across better. I have learned about the difference between a good an bad relationship, and techniques to ensure that I do not get myself into any negative behaviors. I have also learned about how important it is to be happy, and have developed skills to better my mental health. This class has taught me the importance of keeping others happy, and the impact that little random acts of kindness can have on somebody else. Improving someone else’s day can help me to feel better about myself. I have also learned a lot about patience and how important it is to be patient with others. All of these skills mentioned are important to being the best version of myself. I can utilize these skills for the rest of my life, which will help me to form strong relationships with future friends.