How Have I Grown from Pursuing Happiness? – GROWTH Competition Submission

Photo courtesy of Google images
March 18, 2023
Pursuing happiness has taught me a lot of things; some things I already knew and some things that I didn’t know. I wouldn’t consider myself a pessimist but I also am far from an optimist. I would say that I am realistic, pursuing happiness has led me to new ideas and a new way to look at life. My favorite example that was mentioned in class was imagine someone cuts you off while you are driving, You are now mad and frustrated. Instead of having that look maybe think about why they are in such a rush.. maybe they really have to use the bathroom, or they are going to the hospital, or they are really late for work. So now instead of being mad you are understanding and have a better outlook on turning the ‘negatives’ into the ‘positives.’ This is what now makes an impact on my everyday life and I am thankful that I took this class.