

Dave Soldano

Photo courtesy of Google images

Joe Kraft

Mountains surround the cityHigh in the cloudsA lake in the skyThe higher I go the harder it is to breatheA hidden gem, city life and mountainousTwo hours behind, two more hours of flyingI have arrived, the mountains stare down at me lurking in the nightThe airport fades as I go higher into the mountainsThe air gets colder and the snow starts dumpingDown in the valley the city lights glow like the stars in the dark skySnow falling softlyFirst snow of the yearLaying fresh powder downThe trees stand tallThe skies are blueThe slopes are glisteningThe mountains are covered in itMaking everything whitePeople and animals enjoy itThey go sledding, skiing, tubing, skatingEverything shuts downSchools are closedAnd people go enjoy the outdoorsMakes the world beautiful