This morning, I found my Creation’s things all over the floor of my apartment building. It was filled with pages of sheet music that I’ve never made before. However, it definitely looked like I made them. They all had the same handwriting, lyrical and melodic structure, and they all had my name at the top of each piece, just with a “ ‘s creation ” next to it. It was as if to say this was all my creation. This couldn’t be possible, though, as I slumped onto my bed right after my job at the local restaurant. It was 11:30 pm, still in my work uniform when I woke up at 10:45 am, still somewhat tired. This mess was the work of my Creation. Not me, my Creation. I don’t remember when it came to be, or how I got it, but I can only see it in very specific times.
The last time I remember seeing my Creation was right before my freshman year of college started. I was moving in all my boxes of instruments and supplies for the classes I wanted to take. I remember looking around my new dorm and imagining all the ways I could decorate it. That’s when my Creation spewed out of my body and roamed around the room. My Creation is very colorful, too colorful to properly describe. Unfortunately, it gets all over the place, creating messes as it tries to make something new with its surroundings. From hanging some of my photos to different areas around my dorm to straight up moving my bed and desk to different parts of my bedroom, it can be overwhelming.
I’ve never seen another person’s Creation. I guess it’s just something they keep to themselves. Fair enough. I don’t think I’ve seen my own Creation for so long because of school and work. University has been very hard, doing boring assignment after boring assignment, and work is no better. Being a manager at a somewhat busy restaurant, dealing with mean customers and annoying coworkers has not been fun one bit. I haven’t had time to myself in so long, but even when I do, I can’t help but go to bed and finally get the day done with. I remember wanting to be some sort of artist when I was a kid. It was the reason I went to university in the first place, but now I can’t help but do nothing about it. All the time I dedicate to school and work leaves no room for me to be with my Creation in some sort of form throughout the day.
This morning’s incident was far from the first time it’s happened. I guess my Creation is strongest when it’s nighttime. No one’s around to bother you, you have no tedious tasks to do, it’s just you and wherever you are in your sleep. What sets this morning apart from the others was my sense of curiosity. Something I never did before was actually look at what my Creation made. Usually, I just toss whatever it made in the trash, then get ready for school, work, or any other family/friend thing I got going on that day. Today, however, I had a little bit more time on my hands. It was the weekend, work wasn’t going to be for another few hours, and I have no other plans outside of that, so why not see what my Creation has been up to?
What I read was inspiring. I looked at all of these melodies and lyrics that were completely fascinating to me. It was like someone taking the words right out of my mouth and expressing exactly what I needed to say. I decided to keep these sheets in my closet for later use. The hours have already ticked by as I was reading and imagining about and I had to start getting ready for work. However, I hope to have the time to look over these songs again. Maybe even get the time to perform them on an instrument I have as well, but… I just don’t have the time. I wonder if my Creation has other ideas in mind the next time I sleep and can let it roam free.